360° Degree Wellness

When most of us think healthy, we usually gear up and shift all our efforts into one area. Whether it’s trips to the gym, nutrition (or diets) or therapy for our minds and mental well-being.

At Naiquan we believe in 360° wellness. Meaning, we don’t just focus on one area at a time, we address six areas that help you to bring your best self to the table.

360° Wellness Philosophy


Fitness + Nutrition

Get an exercise and diet plan that is personalised to your tastes and timetable. Plus, weekly sessions with our Founder.

Life Coaching

Be held accountable to your commitments and get the direction you need (whether it be with general life, work or more).


Get the treatment that your body needs to create a sense of balance with the exercise. You only have one body, treat it with kindness.

Personal Counseling + Rest

Get a chance to open up and discuss anything that might be recurring in your life. Giving you the space to clear your mind.


JaRoy constantly pushes me to reach the next goal in training, as he genuinely wants you to win and succeed.

Jack Mudd - Model


  • Our professionals will have a consultation call with you. You will be asked about your needs and a plan will be tailored with that in mind. The plan will be made around you, your needs and your time.

  • You don’t have to see all the specialists but, if you choose not to, you risk not getting the full benefits of the plan.

  • You have round-the-clock support, so if you just need to talk about one of the services, you can have a chat with our founder about how you feel.

  • Your body is like a car, it needs an MOT every once in a while to keep it in optimum working order. You sometimes have little aches and pain that could lead to more serious conditions later down the line if left untreated.

  • Therapist - Therapy also known as psychotherapy or counselling is a long-term process where a client works with a qualified healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve problematic beliefs, behaviours, relationship issues, feelings and occasionally physical responses.

    Life Coach - life coaching is where a client works with a coach who is not a healthcare professional but still a qualified life coach, to clarify goals and identify obstacles, and problematic behaviours to create action plans to achieve desired results.

  • Your information will only be shared with your assigned coaches. This is to ensure that you get the best results from the programme. If there are any changes with your coaches, we will notify you and ask for your approval.


“A goal without a plan is just a wish”
Thinking and doing are not the same.
At Naiquan we help you think clearly and then start doing.